Monday, October 8, 2018

The Rosie Project by Graeme Samisen - Book Review

"The Rosie Project" by Graeme Samisen follows main character Don, he is an autistic scientist starting something that calls "The Wife Project". Which is basically a questionnaire he has created, that if he can get any women to take, he is hoping, he will find his perfect match. Rosie is introduced to Don, and while she in absolutely no way passes this test, Don finds that having Rosie in his life is incredibly enriching. This was a five star book prediction for me, I really thought that I was going to enjoy it, and instead it was two stars, and that's okay. But this book wasn't just disappointing, it made me angry. "The Rosie Project" takes this laugh track approach to autism, that with this particular storyline felt especially cheap and especially frustrating. Have you read "the Rosie Project"? Comment below and let me know your thoughts on this book!


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