Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Books to Checkout - November - 2016 - It's an Autobiographypalooza! - and a Giveaway!

Living in southern Texas, November is when we finally get to see some fall like weather. I've been watching everyone else on the Internet rock jeans, boots, and sweaters for months - and now it is my turn ( for like a week and then it'll be back to shorts, I'm sure ; ) I've collected four books that I am excited to check out this November!

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Five Unexpectedly Haunting Books You Should Read - Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten ( or however many I can come up with ; ) Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. Each week there is a new theme, and this week the theme is spooky books.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The German Girl by Armando Lucas Correa- Book Review

In 1939, the SS St. Louis departed from Germany. Fortunes were spent to obtain the necessary documents and tickets to board the ship and on board were 908 Jewish refugees all hoping to gain entrance to Cuba to avoid religious persecution during World War II. When they were rejected from Cuba, and then Canada and the United States- the ship returned to Europe and their freedom was denied. " The German Girl" by Armando Lucas Correa follows the story of Hannah Rosenthal who boarded the SS St. Louis with her family. I just finished reading "The German Girl", read below for my thoughts on the book!

"Into the Forest" by Jean Regland Book Review

Book Review of "Into the Forest" by Jean Regland

"Oh, I will always remember that moment when, even with the universe spackled above us, bright with an infinity of stars and dark with infinite space, it was impossible for me to believe that Ptolemy wasn't right, that our own Earth, our little tribe, and Eli's hand on my waist were not the center of everything there was." - Into the Forest by Jean Hegland 

I'd never heard of the novel "Into the Forest" until I saw the trailer for the film adaptation, but after watching it I knew I had to read the book! After all,  that is my ( often broken) book to movie adaptation rule - solid effort must be put into reading the book before watching the movie. It's just good common sense : ) Well, I just finished reading "Into the Forest" and feels - but mostly confusion and a little bit of frustration.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Small Great Things by Jodi Picoult - Book Review

" I realize that we both desperately want to be people we really aren't" - Small Great Things

I just finished reading "Small Great Things" by Jodi Picoult - and I have feelings. To start, I was a little anxious about reading and reviewing this book. Generally, I tend to steer clear of hot button issues in life- and this book, for better or worse, is deeply in the hot button zone. I'm sure there are *many* reasons why I avoid discussing divisive topics, but in part I believe it is because I tend to embrace the grey- so standing firmly on one side of an issue or another doesn't feel like I'm being true to myself. I struggle to "imagine people { and situations } complexly", in the words of John Green. And "Small Great Things" is definitely a great exercise in that!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Ten Books I Read Because of #bookstagram - Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and The Bookish.  Each week there is a new theme, and this week the theme is books you were recommended to read. Nothing I can think of has had a larger effect on my TBR pile than the ever popular Instagram rabbit hole/time suck that is #bookstagram. Whether it was a beautiful picture, a breath taking quote, an awesome review, or just a collection of a thousand of the same posts all shouting "read me!" - here are ten books I have read because of #bookstagram!

Thursday, October 6, 2016

How To Share With A Bear - Eric Pinder- Mom About Library #5

Oh my goodness - is there anything cuter than little boys and the teddy bears they love? Check out this great new read!

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Five Villains of Contemporary Fiction & Non Fiction - Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten ( or however many I can come up with ; ) Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. Each week there is a new theme, and this week the theme is Villains. I rarely read fantasy, so when I think of villains in what I usually read - contemporary fiction & non fiction - I think of our real life villains...